Netri'a Nbolo

Stats & Backstory

Age: 27
Current Location: North Shroud
Race: Miqo'te/Keeper
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11
Weight: 81kg
Eye Color: Blue
Build: Lean & built
Upon inspection: Tattered claw marks line his cheeks, twin sets that lead all the way down to his chest and neck that follow from one end of his body all the way down to the other.
Occupation: Bounty hunter & Avid Conservationist

Backstory: A shroud born keeper, raised in the life of the hunt though the prey of animal never grew dull the cost of surviving without poaching the land like his brethren had. Thus he turned his sights to larger yet more legal prey. Knowing his clans days were soon to come to an end, be it at the hands of adventurers or at the fate of a the city state Netri'a set himself free of their bindings. Casting himself out rather then being branded an exile.


- The Hunt
Ah there is no thrill quite like it, be it beast, creature, or man. Toss the promise of gil right at the bottom and he's sure to follow right behind with pretty little 'X' over the bounty.
- Glory
Who doesn't answer to the call of their fame being brought up? Bring a drink or perhaps a touch of somnus; but when the drink runs dry you may find yourself footing the bill.
- Wanted Man
A game of cat and mouse between them. Netri'a with the promise of gil when he catches you and you with the five second head start he gives.
- Clan Born
Though he is oft crass to those of tribes Netri'a fears the connection they bring to him and his sense of longing for what was lost. So come one come all, he's only rude for a moment after all. (Also if you've read the silent arbor section I am fine with Keepers using this to interact with him.)
- Protector
From time to time he had been known to watch a few backs of those who were considered unsavory. For the right amount and perhaps right situation you may wish to inquire him for such a dealing.
- Snake
A slithering creature of twisted word and tongue; the vile beast that wants your young. But behind their price he found a bond; one of pain and one of sin. Would you be the next prize he presents his kin?
- Accursed creator why did you form a monster


So I generally leave profiles like this sparse because it's so much more fun to me to explore characters via chatting with one another! if you prefer to RP via discord I'm sure there is something we could work out.- Hit me up with OOC chat if you wanna do a certain story; I do love IC walk ups however!- I love all forms of Rp, feel free to hit me up with what you want. My favorites tend to be on the Darker side however I'm perfectly able to do SoL or lighthearted adventure- Prefer Para or Multi Para- 18+ Rpers please- I am not Netri'a but you are free to bring concerns related to him up to me there are things I am able to tone down in order for us both to have a pleasant writing experience.

"No..You can't have it. It's mine, don't even look at it..."

The Song of a dead clan

Warriors young, and warriors oldGive your lives for our clan's hope.Blaze your heart to shine gold.Never be…Too far away from home.How oft’ do you fight?
How oft’ do you glow?
Give yourself for our ancestors' home
Warriors young, and warriors old.Save your words when you grow cold.For our blood now soaks the road.Never be..Too far away from home.Keep what's ours.
Take what’s theirs.
So that we might keep our home.
Warriors young, and warriors old.Burn your life for that soul we sold.Not one of us can we withhold.Never be.Too far away from home.We are dead.
We are born anew.
Take so that we might find a new home.